
AGC’s 100 Years of Benefitting Contractors

This year marks the centennial of the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America’s founding.  The Wyoming Contractors Association is the local chapter of the AGC, which is the leading national association for the construction industry.  AGC represents over 6,500...

A Dollar Today or Thousands Tomorrow?

There is nothing like the smell of a new excavator. The feel, the drive, the power, the assurance that the job will not be held up because your equipment is in the shop for repairs. But if you can save the money and keep your old equipment running longer with regular...

Tax reform means good news for Wyoming’s construction businesses

Wyoming’s construction industry provides an important service for residents of our state. Whether they are seeking help on a small project or looking to construct a building, folks need to know that they can trust their contractors. You literally help build up our...

WCARTC’s Mobile Training Center Hits the Road

It’s been a long haul, but thanks to the dedicated and generous support provided to the Skilled Careers Foundation (SCF) by members of the Wyoming Contractors Association, the Mobile Training Center rig is now fully operational with its new, eye-catching vinyl wrap...

And They’re Off!

Did you hear the shot? The starting gun for the Wyoming Legislative session is still smoking and they are off to a running start! Last Monday was the first day of the Budget Session and it promises to be fast and furious up to the very end on March 10.  We have heard...

Associate Division Plans

Happy February from your Associate Board Members! On January 25 & 26, 2018 the Associate Board met at the Historic Elk Mountain Inn to plan our activities for the year. It was a successful meeting and we are already in motion on our first raffle of the year. Be on...

4th Annual WCA Pheasant Hunt

The clouds roiled overhead as orange clad hunters took to their starting positions at the Silver Wings Hunting Ranch in La Grange, WY. The 4th Annual WCA Pheasant Hunt was about to begin. The birds were loosed, the dogs were eager, and the guns were loaded. The...

Of Elections and Sessions

Happy belated new year, colleagues! 2018 is off to a running start and promises to be a very busy year indeed. The WCA is continuing the tradition of hosting the Legislative Appreciation Dinner the night before the Wyoming Legislature gavels into session. This year...

2018: Great Things to Come

Hello again from your Associate Board. Is it mid January already?  Was there enough time to fully examine all that happened in 2017? Did the short break to celebrate the holidays allow for creating plans and goals for 2018 that will provide a blueprint for success?...