
The Growing Value of WCA Events

Hello again and happy August from your associate board! Construction season 2018 is still in full swing, but will it last much longer? It may be time to blow the dust off the Farmer’s Almanac and start thinking about what’s in store for us moving into Fall and Winter....

Statewide Primary Winners

Wyoming’s Primary Elections have come and passed and the Republicans and Democrats have chosen their respective candidates for the General Election in November. The winners for the five statewide offices are as follows: Governor (R) Mark Gordon (D) Mary Throne...

Charity, Work, and Fun in 2018

Hello and Happy July from your Associate Board!  It was good to see you all at the recent membership dinner, letting, and golf tournament.  Thank you all for your generous support for Grace for Two Brothers, the charity we selected to support this time around. What a...

Construction and Transportation Issues

2018 has been and will continue to be a very loud and crowded year.  There are dozens of candidates running for the five statewide offices, 15 state senate seats, and all 60 state house seats, as well as other local offices throughout Wyoming.  On top of this there...

OSHA Basics

Employers of all shape and sizes are faced with many challenges.  The construction industry is no different.  In fact, contractors are faced with added challenges.  Compliance with OSHA is one of those added challenges, but it does not have to be.  By understanding...

Meeting the Candidates

Have you heard? It is all over the internet, radio waves, signs, car bumpers, and tv channels: the Wyoming primary elections are coming this August! There are many pivotal elections this year and some of the highest are wide open contests. Vet the candidates carefully...

What Makes The WCA Great

Hello and Happy June from your Associate Board! With construction season taking up all of our time and attention, this year seems to be flying by. When you read this, June will already be ¾ gone. Looking ahead to the July membership and highway letting, there are good...

Keys to Permitting Sand and Gravel Operations

As you may have heard and as President Fertig reported on, the WCA has formed a workgroup with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to take a hard look at streamlining the permitting process for sand and gravel operations. The WCA gathered industry...

Listening Twice

Zeno, an Ancient Greek Philosopher said, “Nature gave us one tongue but two ears so that we may listen twice as much as we speak.” This is an important point for all aspects of life but especially when you are working with the natural tension between buyers and...

Winter Bids Bring Spring Construction

Hello again and Happy April from your associate board! Am I the only one who has noticed those orange cones sprouting up from the occasional spring sunshine warming the pavement?  Road construction is definitely becoming more noticeable.  As I travel all over the...