
Managing the ‘Skilled Labor’ Gap

Much has been written in the press about the gap between today’s jobs and the skills presented by those seeking work. Our education and workforce development system is failing to keep pace with our economy, and employers struggle to find skilled workers. The fact that...

Executive Director’s Letter

“Our intent will not be to create gridlock. Oh, except maybe from time to time." - Former Senator Bob Dole, on working with the Clinton Administration. If you know much about Senator Dole, you know he has an exacting and dry sense of humor. Of course, what Dole meant...

The Case for Skilled Trade Scholarships

The Need for the Construction Careers Foundation Has Never Been Greater Co-Authored by Paul Nash and Rod Thomas In the last few years, interest in trade and vocational schools has begun to grow.  Economic turbulence and increased demand in the trades has fueled...

“Powder River, let ‘er buck!”

Do you know where that phrase originated?  It is a question which came to my mind at the September 12 University of Wyoming football game where Michael Pitz and I had the honor of firing the howitzer at the beginning of the game.  The UW Cowboy Battalion, which is...

End-of-Summer Update

I blinked and it was gone…summer, that is.  It is hard to believe fall is here but of course, construction season is still in full swing and hopefully, it will be a while before we see any measurable amounts of that four-letter word….snow. At WCA, the work continues...