
Some Thoughts on the 2016 Presidential Race

Without the ammunition provided by convention, I found topics for this month’s column much harder to come by. By the time this issue of News & Views reaches you, the Wyoming State Legislature will be in session. As you are all probably aware, this year is a budget...

Absaroka – The State that Never Was

In my January column, I offered a preview of the Wyoming legislative session and next month, I will provide a wrap-up of the State Legislature’s activities. As such, it seemed like a good opportunity to write about something perhaps a little off the beaten path: a...

Growing WCA’s Membership

February is here, and while it is premature to state that spring has arrived, the days are definitely becoming longer. The weeks of sunny, warm temperatures are a welcome change to the cold, blowing snow. I have also noted a similar change in sentiment among WCA...

A Look Back at the 2015 Convention with a Look Forward to 2016

As we begin another year, I would like to thank past President Ken Lutz, along with Katie and the rest of the staff for an outstanding convention. Even though the weather was not ideal, Jackson seems to attract a little better attendance than other locations. I don’t...

Gearing Up for the 2016 Legislative Budget Session

Anyone who knows me knows I am a long-time political junkie. But I have to say even I was surprised to open up the Casper paper last week only to find a news story about the first candidate debate for Wyoming’s open congressional seat, which astonishingly enough, will...

2nd Annual WCA Pheasant Hunt – SOLD OUT

WCA will hold the 2nd Annual Pheasant Hunt on Friday, January 22, 2016 at the Silver Wing Hunting Ranch near LaGrange, WY.  The hunt is open to the first 32 registrants.  For more information, contact Erin Lamb at 307.632.0573 or THIS EVENT HAS SOLD...

Executive Director’s Letter

“Lord, just send us another boom. We promise not to screw it up this time.” Remember that bumper sticker? Booms and busts have been part of Wyoming’s economy since the 1830s when fur trappers came to the area to capitalize on the beaver felt hat rage in fashion. From...

President’s Letter

One of the great benefits we derive from our WCA membership are the collaborative relationships we have developed with a number of state agencies. As you know, there have been some significant staffing changes at WYDOT and the School Facilities Department recently,...