
Getting Ready for the Annual Convention

It may only be June, but the Associate Board is already looking toward the Annual Convention in December as we have begun working on Fun Night events.  In an effort to give the phrase “live auction” a new twist, we plan to offer the services of six pairs of Associate...

No Parking Zones and Email Scams

After the late March storm, construction start up may have to wait a couple more weeks in most of the state.  Hold it, that’s how I started the last newsletter.  Well, things haven’t changed much in the interim.  This time the late April storm is delaying...

Raising Revenue

I’m sure most of us have had the experience of searching underneath couch cushions or in the crevices between car seats to find a few lost quarters, dimes, or even pennies to give to a child for a good book report or to pay for lunch at the fast food drive-thru.  That...

New Profiles and New Directors

The Associate Board gun raffle is now history.  Some might of thought it was rigged as Pat Allen and Ernie Skretteberg were the lucky winners.  Of course, I am just joking.  Pat and Ernie won fair and square.  Congratulations to both of them and another round of...

April Musings

Yep, time’s still flying.  I’m starting to see signs of construction companies waking up from their hibernation.  I even got a call from Brad Olson not too long ago.  Evidently he woke up from his winter’s nap.  Before you say it, Brad, I have been showing up at work...

Wyoming Legislature Prepares for Interim Session

If Wyoming State Legislators had created a meme for themselves this past session, it might have been coining the term “aquarium” or “fish bowl” in reference to the glassed-in area where spectators observed the House and Senate in session at the temporary Capitol...

Gun Raffle Update/Associate Director Profile

You may have heard this old joke.  Fred, a city boy, moved to the country and purchased a donkey from an old farmer for $100.  The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the following day. The next morning, the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, son, but I have some bad...

An Update on Western Chapters & the AGC National Convention

Time flies, especially between newsletters. I want to thank Ken Lutz, Don McKillop, and Katie for covering for me at the February and March membership dinners. I just recently returned from the first two-week vacation I have ever taken. While I really can’t say it was...

Wyoming Legislative Wrap-Up

The 12 session of the Wyoming State Legislature, held during the winter of 1913, has long been regarded the most uncivil in the state’s history. House members, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, actually came to physical blows during one 45-minute fracas...

Time to Buy Raffle Tickets

As members of the Wyoming Contractors Association, we have many things in common. What immediately comes to mind are professionalism, expertise in our fields, a desire to do the best we can for our individual companies, a love of the outdoors and yes, an appreciation...