
Optimism in a Gale Force Tailwind

“Pessimists see the difficulty in every opportunity while optimists see the opportunity in every difficulty.” This adage is often and possibly incorrectly attributed to English Prime Minister and War Hero Winston Churchill. Regardless of who said it, the line holds...

An Association Springtime in the Works

With the warm air the last few days it really doesn’t seem like February, however I don’t think we are quite ready to say spring is here. Even though spring is a little way out and there still is a little time before we can get the full construction season underway I...

Money and the Lack Thereof

Just over one week to go until the scheduled end of the Wyoming Legislature’s General Session. It has been a bumpy ride and the last week is not looking any smoother. The budget shortfall is at the center of the swirling storm of debate. Reminds me of a quote...

The Old Is Out, The New Is On Us

January marks the changing of the guard and I am proud to be taking my turn as the Association’s President. I came into office just a little ahead of our new fearless leader, President Trump, but thankfully I do not think I need to make the Association Great again. It...

Goodbye 2016

Welcome 2017 and goodbye 2016.  The year ended with another successful WCA convention where fun was had by all.  Although everyone had a good time no family had as great a time as the McKillop family.  When a guy like Kenny gets second place for most fun member of the...

Construction Careers Foundation President’s Letter

Greetings to all WCA members and other friends who support technical training for a skilled, productive and robust workforce for Wyoming, the Rocky Mountain Region and our Nation.  Construction Careers Foundation, DBA Skilled Careers Foundation has had a very...

Tri-State Update

Here we are in October.  It shows up every year, right on schedule, but some years it seems earlier than others.  After a summer of very good weather for construction, at least in most of Wyoming, we are experiencing some late season bad weather.  Here in Worland, we...

Legislative Update

Former New York Congressman Barber Conable once said, “Exhaustion and exasperation are the handmaidens of the legislative process.”  That certainly seems an apt description of the Joint Interim Revenue Committee meeting held in late September. The committee met to...

Looking to Serve?

The old saying “time flies when you’re having fun” has never been more true for me than this year.  It seems like maybe a month ago that I was at the Associate Board meeting at the 2015 Annual Convention, chairing my first meeting to elect new Directors.  The...

Just Desserts

It seems I just got my August newsletter in last week and here it is time for September’s.  The summer has been moving right along.  With the weather conditions the last month, I believe most Chief Operations Officers blood pressure should be pretty low.  Though it...